Sitemap - 2024 - Eat This, Drink That, Live Well
What does retirement look like when you’re a writer?
Which wine - or other drinks - to give as a gift
The well-loved cookbook challenge #5
The Friday 5 #120 Christmas wine special
My Christmas 2024 cookbook gift guide
Is Bluesky the social media saviour we’ve been waiting for?
The well-loved cookbook challenge #4
How Mexicans celebrate Day of the Dead
Why is it so difficult to ask for money as a writer?
The well-loved cookbook challenge #3
How I became a 'wine writer in residence’
A few popular posts you might have missed
The well-loved cookbook challenge #2
What’s the right temperature to serve wine?
Well-loved cookbook challenge #1
Why I resigned from the Guardian
What are your most treasured cookbooks?
Where to eat in Bristol in 2024
How to create a French-style summer feast
How to create your own cooking club
What wine should you drink with fish?
Why I can’t resist a hardback book
The simple reason you (and I) can’t keep the weight off
8 things to take away from our aperitif tasting
Where are all the men on Substack?
Should you lend - or borrow - books?
What I’ve learnt from two years on Substack
New recipe: Curry leaf and turmeric panisse
Are vegans ruining restaurants for vegetarians?
Why cooking together is better than cooking on your own
Is it worth going to language school?
"Love that makes a cup of tea"
The Friday 5 #87 (further update from Valencia. Yup I’m still here!)
How to declutter your wine cellar (or wine rack)
Why #givingupstockingup struck a chord
How to cut down without cutting out
When doing things on your own can be as good as doing them with someone else