The Friday 5 #117
Including wine bargains from Booths + Lidl , this month’s cookbook giveaway + a recipe for a rather yummy red wine chocolate cake
It was inevitable after such a wonderful trip but its definitely been back to earth with a bump this week. I’m really missing walking the sunny streets in a T-shirt, and scoffing those amazing Mexican breakfasts. Thank God I’ve got a Mexican grocer, Otomi just round the corner.
Still, there are compensations: cosy nights in, warming casseroles and stews and a reissue of my cookbook The Wine Lover’s Kitchen which is rather exciting. First published in 2017 it’s too recent for the well-loved cookbook challenge but you might still fancy making this duck casserole. And there are two copies available to paid subscribers for this month’s giveaway (details below).
Also on the near horizon is Beaujolais Nouveau Day which is always a bit of fun but I prefer the real deal, and Thanksgiving about which I have no new wisdom to impart but you might like to revisit this post I wrote back in 2022 about stuffing. There’s also this one about which wine to pick for a Thanksgiving and a British Christmas turkey. (It’s the sides that make the difference.)
I come across these old posts from time to time and think why write a new one when I probably can’t improve on them. Like How to deal with the darker nights. (I’ve already bought my St Eval candle advent calendar this year and given one as an early Christmas present. Sadly looks like they’re out of stock.)
What does have to be bang up to date are the wine recommendations and as you’ve been deprived over the last couple of weeks I’ve got two sets this week from Lidl and a quartet from the northern retailer, Booths
Plus there’s the info you need for the next online tasting on Monday November (not October) 18th which is not about wine for once but tequila and mezcal. You probably know all about margaritas but there’s another on-trend cocktail that should be on your radar. Sign up if you’d like to take part.