8 things to take away from our aperitif tasting
#1 being just how incredibly easy it is to make a simple cocktail
For those of you who couldn’t make it to my aperitif tasting the other day I thought I’d recap on some of the most useful takeaways since I’m not sure if I managed to record it. Again 🙄
But it may be quicker anyway to just have a quick read
It was great to have Kate Hawkings, author of Aperitif along to give us the benefit of her wisdom.
What we learnt is just how amazingly easy it is to make great drinks with the classic aperitivos which need no more than a mixer to make a simple, sophisticated cocktail
What’s not to love about a two ingredient drink?
If you’d like to come along to my next online tasting which is on sauvignon blanc at 6.30pm BST on Tuesday May 21st you can sign up for as little as £5.
If you love it where can you find the best bargains? If you’re not a fan how to find a sauvignon you’ll enjoy. (I’m going to encourage you to bring along some snacks because food is a real game changer!)