The Friday 5 #110
The best value fizz, the easiest ever (and utterly wicked) ice cream and a DREAMY roast chicken
Since I seem to have spent the best part of two days this week on the M25 it hasn’t been a big week for eating out so most of this week’s recommendations are things you can make or drink at home.
A little earlier than usual to give you more time to pick up an appropriate bottle - or bottles - for our next online tasting.
(A quick aside for new subscribers who aren’t familiar with this feature. I hold an online tasting each month where we all bring a bottle that fits in with the theme we’ve decided to focus on and spend a happy hour chatting about the subject. More like a hangout in a wine bar than a masterclass. It’s utterly informal, you don’t have to know about wine to take part. You do need to be a paid subscriber but you can sign up for as little as £5. And you will pick up some useful wine knowledge along the way.
Paid subscribers also get my money-saving wine recs. Just sayin’ …
Monday’s session, which is at 6.30pm GMT on August 19th, is on good value sparkling wines. You might think that rules out champagne but I would argue not. Also it depends on the occasion and what sort of food you’re eating. A bottle to liven up your Friday night fish and chips or a cork to pop with a cake.
I’ve suggested below some wines that I think represent good value though bear in mind there’s a bank holiday coming up when they may well be on a multibuy so just buy one or two bottles at this stage.
You might for this session think of inviting one or two friends or neighbours round to compare a couple of different types of fizz. Cheap champagne vs crémant for example. Or cava vs prosecco. (Obviously it would be nice if they subscribed too 😉.)
Below are a few that are worth buying at the moment plus a fantastic ice-cream, an ambitious but gorgeous-looking dessert, an update on my Bristol guide and a website that’s a great source of cooking inspo.