How on earth can Resy be predicting sharing plates when you haven’t been able to get away from them for literally YEARS! I just want my own dinner. 😫

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Well quite!!

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Fiona Beckett

Sharing plates undoubtedly cut restaurant food wastage. But - recently I opted for king prawns. There were 5. Our group was 4. I missed out on my choice and had to nibble away at everyone else’s.

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Yup, never works with prawns. Or oysters!

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Fiona Beckett

So often "sharing plates" really aren't. A whole shortrib without means to portion and serve it isn't a sharing plate! My appetite is not what it was, so I will sometimes order 2 starters, but unless it's tapas/dim sum/mezze I don't really like the shared plate concept. I really love a shared main course though - a large pie or a whole chicken or something served family style just feels so generous and hospitable.

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And looks so beautiful too. Little French in my home town of Bristol always has a couple of great sharing plates - or rather huge platters

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I like small plates (American portions are too big) but love a main course!

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Who knew ordering small plates was a future trend, I’ve been ahead of the game for years 🤣

As a vegetarian I often order a selection of small plates (or often sides) as it provides more choice and I like to pick at a variety of dishes.

Although options for vegetarians have really moved on from the days of either a vege lasagne or mushroom stroganoff there are still so many places that have a very limited vegetarian menu, or now where they assume if you’re vegetarian you’re happy to eat vegan, which sometimes is great, although if I fancy a dish which includes cheese please let me decide, don’t make the choice for me!

As you mention Fiona it ends up being a pricey way to eat out and there’s often the risk you go home not fully satisfied, although I guess there’s always the excuse for pudding.

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Ha! Try to avoid that as it’s the only thing that keeps my weight under reasonable control! (Apart from the Queen of Puddings the other day

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Fiona Beckett

I’m sick of small plates unless offered as a starter type thing. I would like proper mains and for these to come with a carb - it’s not a main meal in my eyes if it’s just a piece of protein (or vegetable equivalent!).

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I’m with you Carol. Do love a carb of some kind!

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I don't get how sharing plates is a 'new trend', as you say it's been a thing for upwards of 5 years, though I do get the appeal of wanting to try everything, and it does get around the food envy thing. But I also find it can sometimes result in discordant flavour combinations in one sitting. Yes, you get to taste a little bit of everything, but so often the menus aren't really put together with harmony in mind for the eater, and I often find there can be repetition of certain elements, but you have to suck that up because you really want to try a particular aspect of a dish. A recent meal at Murano really reminded me of the beauty of an a la carte lunch menu, the excitement of ordering your own main course and wondering what you're going to get, then being delighted that you get to finish the entire plate yourself...

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A set lunch can be hugely enjoyable too. Preferably just the two courses!

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Every time It’s a share thing, I leave hungry

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I really do not want other folks dipping in to my dinner. I eat out rarely so I’m ordering food I really want to eat. If the kitchen can’t organise themselves to deliver dishes in a timely manner then they need to consider their practice.... grrrhhh!

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The best way round that I find is to order two or three things that go together to kick off then decide how hungry you still are and what you fancy next.

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Fiona Beckett

I like both depending on the circs and the company. (My grown up sons are the worst -wolfing down before I even get a look in). Depending on the food, it's great to have more variety but this can sometimes be a bit random when dishes arrive in an odd succession.

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Always find it interesting that restaurants offer the same size helping no matter what size the customer is. A 5ft 2in woman is not going to have the same appetite as a 6ft 4 bloke. (Sorry for the absence of metrics here!)

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Fiona Beckett

Although can you imagine what sort of pickles they would get in if they tried it!

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Oh it's totally impractical. But illogical too!

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Hi Fiona, well said and a timely topic! A friend and I met up in Borough market are of London for a brunch a few months ago but got there too late for brunch. So ended up somewhere having a few small small plates, one glass of wine each. Came to over £100! We are back to brunch meet-ups (and getting up in time!!) and don't usually get beyond £25 each. We eat loads and drink lots of coffee - and don't have to share with anyone else!! There are some brilliant brunches around - eg near me in Hackney a place called Helma - all vegetarian and fermented foods. It's really inventive - and pretty good for health too and the menu changes every month. Jeannette x

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Sounds great! Will have to add that to my London list!

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Fiona Beckett

I *loathe* sharing plates. The whole point of eating out is to choose what you want, not to compromise with someone else. I hate coriander, and am preternaturally sensitive to spicy heat, so there's further tedious restrictions. Goodness knows how anyone with genuine allergies manages to make it work.

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Good point. Must be really stressful for them

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Sorry - in a bit of a pickle, but this was the only way I could find to say...


Love you, and your posts,


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Thank you and have a lovely Christmas too!

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Fiona Beckett

Karen and I always prefer a regular 2 courses with wine. Plus cheese to follow if we still want something… nothing sweet for us.

Much prefer a tasting menu if we want to go down the small plates route. Can recommend those at Fhior in Edinburgh (with its brilliant sommelier) and at Killiecrankie House (pair with Chinese wine!)

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Haven't been to the latter but have been to Fhlor which yes, was great.

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Fiona Beckett

I have a theory that the whole share plate thing (a kind of flow on from classic “Tapas”) went hand-in-hand with having to order “components” for meals - as in - your main now might just be the fancy featured protein thingumijig with a few artistic smears of thick brown or red stuff around it, but that’s not a meal - so then you have to order some veg or salad and possibly even a carb source separately, by which time you have spent your weekly shopping allowance on one meal and got enough for a family of four to dine on in front of you on huge plates with not enough table space to fit them all on!

So - to circumvent this -> share plates! You still might have to buy some cheap chips on the way home to fill up on, or down a bowl of yoghurt or some toast when you get home, but it has likely cost less and less waste!

My answer now is - eat at home! Get a decent meal, usually tastes better, relaxed setting, etc etc.

Eating out ain’t what it used to be!

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Fair point Sarah bit it’s not just about the food - lots of us could definitely eat as well at home -but the conviviality and buzz of being in a restaurant. But not above sharing a main to be sure!

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Fiona Beckett

Haha - one person’s “conviviality and buzz”, another person’s “crowds and noise” 😂.

My mindset also (more than possibly) influenced by working for many many years as a dietitian 🤣.

Both of these I have to zip inside on the odd occasions that we visit my sons small bar in Fremantle - that only does share plates 😅!

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Fiona Beckett

Totally agree Fiona & such an expensive way of dining out!

Often two tiny pieces of protein even out of London & other cities are £20 with rye menu often saying we recommended three dishes for each person!

We can eat at our favourite/almost local Hambleton Hall on weekdays for not much more than this! Two courses, ‘Lunch for Less’ £54 plus service and the food is second to none. 😍

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Gosh I remember going - and even staying - there back in the day. The food was fabulous!

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Fiona Beckett

Honestly Fiona, even over more than two decades, we still think it is the best food we ever eat, over many travels in the UK and abroad.

We prefer going for lunch though as it still feels more decadent and the views are so wonderful both of the gorgeous gardens and of course Rutland Water.

Unlike many places, we find it is consistently superb and always a treat. We find all the Team there wonderful too.

Plus as a huge bonus it is only six miles away from where we live. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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