The Friday 5 #68
Six really goodwines under £10, why you need to clear out your wine rack and the most awesome seafood rice
It’s been a funny old week. A 25 hour door-to-door journey back from Japan to Bristol then, two days later, back up to London and straight into the autumn and winter wine tasting circuit so forgive me if this week’s newsletter contains a few typos!
Of the three tastings I went to I was most impressed by M & S which was a welcome surprise as they’ve been disappointing recently. Naked Wines was better for whites than reds while Aldi, which is normally quite impressive, was inexplicably poor. A reminder that things never stand still in the wine world.
I’ll be sharing my picks from the supermarket tastings over the next few weeks so if you want to save yourself money on your autumn and winter drinking it’s worth signing up for a paid subscription for a couple of months at least (though it’s cheaper, pro rata, to take out an annual one!). It should pay for itself in savings!
Some top Italian wine picks under £10 from M & S