The Friday 5 #55
A great offer on half bottles of champagne, a dream of a London bakery and how to. make butter even more blissful. (Oh, and A THIRD off annual subs!)
It was great to see several of you at my Greek White on-line tasting this week. I’m enjoying these sessions so much - I hope you are too.
I think a few of you struggled to get back from the weekend in time for a Sunday night session though so I’m going to go back to midweek for the next one which is going to be - by general consensus - Portuguese wine.
I know this encompasses a lot of styles and wine regions but as Portugal offers exceptionally good value for money shall we make it wines under £15, 17€ or $20? Ish. (We could actually make it under £10 but that would restrict us to supermarket wines).
Let’s revert to a Thursday and go for June 15th at 6pm which will give you a chance to go out afterwards!
I’ll send a more detailed email to those of you who are paying subscribers* suggesting some wines you might like to try or bring along.
(*It IS one of the perks of being a paid subscriber and just to encourage you and because it’s finally warm(ish) and sunny and I’m feeling full of the joys of spring I’ve slapped a generous 33% discount on the annual subscription until Monday so take advantage! (Particularly as there’s going to be an Irish special next week. Or maybe two if I get sufficiently carried away by my visits to Dublin and Galway…)
You may possibly have noticed I’ve changed my recommendations to feature some drink-focussed Substacks. Not because I don’t love the food ones I’ve been recommending but because I think that slot is a good way of bringing ‘stacks you may not be aware of to your attention.
And ‘cos there’s a lot of wine in my life at the moment, let’s kick off with some incredibly good value Bordeaux. And half bottles of bubbly. How lovely!