The Friday 5 #129
4 cracking wines from M & S, this month’s cookbook giveaway and comfort food inspo for a chilly February
Well it’s been a bit of a shock to the system being back in the UK but I can hardly complain having had the utter treat of 10 days in Morocco. (You can see my first two posts here and here. There’s a final one coming with tips on how to handle Marrakesh next week.)
At least the computer is working - for the moment - but given that this is the third time in the last 12 months I’ve had trouble with it I’m going to take advantage of the current Apple offer and trade it in. (They’ve got a cashback deal until the end of the month.) With any luck it will be up and running smoothly by next Sunday March 2nd, the new date for our postponed sherry and tapas tasting.
Do sign up if you’d like to join, if only for the month. It’s so nice to hang out and chat. And you get to read the full Friday 5!
Speaking of which this week’s includes
my ‘off the shelf’ recommendations from M & S including 4 cracking wines and an excellent mini cheeseboard. Products I’ve bought and can personally vouch for
an affordable (though some of you might disagree) pet nat. But I love it!
two amazing comfort food dishes for the (hopefully) last of this chilly weather
and the chance to win a copy of Claire Thomson, aka @5oclockapron’s newest book One Pan Beans