It might have been unseasonably warm for the last few days but it’s still March, still nippy, still grey as I write, so I wanted to share this recipe for a cheat’s version of tartiflette I cooked up when I was craving but didn’t have time to make the real thing.
It’s a comforting quick meal that absolutely scratches that melted cheese itch.
As with the other recipes in this series it’s designed for two but you can halve it for one. Or, if you’re feeling particularly ravenous, scoff the whole thing though it is quite rich!
It would probably be best with a gooey melting cheese like Raclette, Taleggio or Ogleshield but why not make it - as I did - with Camembert which is considerably cheaper and easier to get hold of.
Vary the quantities of everything else depending on what you have to hand. This is basically a fridge-foraged weekday supper.