I’ve banged on before about how annoying it is that most recipe books give recipes for four when I suspect many of their readers are cooking for one or two, midweek at least. And maybe more than four at the weekend.
After all 8.4 million people in the UK live in single person households - roughly a third of all households. Even if you have a young family it’s quite likely that you as parents will eat a different meal from the one they have at least some nights of the week. And by the time the kids have flown the nest it may well be the two of you again.
So I thought I’d do something about it and post some recipes that are designed for one or two. Given my background as a home cook (I wrote the Beyond Baked Beans series and The Frugal Cook back in the noughties), they’ll be simple and straightforward starting with this Moroccan(ish) fish which is inspired by the Moroccan sauce chermoula.
It was prompted by finding some very cheap fish called Basa in Aldi last week when I was prowling around looking at wine which was selling at £2 for two substantial fillets.
I wouldn’t serve them plain as they suggest on the pack - I don’t think the flavour is fine enough but smothered with this moreish - or even Moorish - sauce they’re delicious.